Welcome to Hubei Mount Taizi National Forest Park!Service hotline:0724-7461219


Scenic service

Scenic service
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Notice to Visitors
Notice to Visitors

Notice to Visitors

Notice to Visitors
Dear visitors:
Welcome to Mount Taizi ecological tourism area. For your rights and interests, please know the tourist instructions before purchasing the ticket.
1. Please consciously abide by the social morality and scenic area regulations and visit civilly.
2. Please consciously maintain public health, do not spit, urinate, defecate or litter.
3. Please consciously maintain public safety. Please park the vehicle at the designated place. It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the no fire area, to use fire in the field, and to bring inflammables and explosives into the scenic area.
4. Please consciously protect your own safety. Please take care of and accompany the elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled, the pregnant and the young; please do not leave the tour route to the undeveloped area of the scenic area during the visit; please do not climb dangerous cliff, guardrail, trees, etc.; in case of lightning, rainstorm, gale and other severe weather, please leave the dangerous area as soon as possible to prevent accidents.
5. Please consciously maintain public order. It is not allowed to engage in feudal superstition, cult and other activities in the scenic area; if you need to enter the scenic area to engage in commercial activities or mass group activities, you shall submit a written application to the scenic area in advance and proceed according to the approved content after permission.
6. Please take good care of the resources and facilities of the scenic area and pay attention to your own code of conduct. It is forbidden to pick, dig and destroy forest resources, and it is forbidden to carve, scribble and scrabble on tourist facilities.
7. When you experience forest hunting, cave exploration, jungle warrior, rainbow slide and other exploration and development projects in the scenic area, please pay attention to the safety signs and safety reminders, and obey the command of the on-site staff.




86 724-7461219



inside Mount Taizi National Forest Park of Jingshan City, Jingmen City, Hubei Province

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