Welcome to Hubei Mount Taizi National Forest Park!Service hotline:0724-7461219


Scenic service

Scenic service
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Common Problems

Q: What are the scenic spots in the scenic area?  
A: The main scenic spots in the scenic area are Wangmang Cave, Shicang Rainforest, Cangfo Cave, Rainbow Slide, Jungle Warrior, Forest Hunting Ground, Wildlife Park, Laser Range, Hunter School, Crape Myrtle Garden, Chinese Rose Garden, Taizi Forest Town, Cultural Creation Base, etc. 
Q: What is the best visiting season of the scenic area?  
A: You can visit Wangmang Cave, Hunting Culture Theme Park, Taizi Forest Town and Cultural Creation base all year round. The best time to enjoy crape myrtle garden is from July to September, and the best time to enjoy Chinese rose garden is from May to October. 
Q: Who can get free admission?  
A: The first kind, children shorter than 1.2m (including 1,2m) and the elderly older than 70 years old (including 70 years old);
The second kind: the disabled with Disability Certificate;
The third kind: admission is free for active servicemen who hold military certificates, disabled servicemen (who hold Military Disability Certificates), and retired military cadres.
The fourth kind: tour guide with tour guide certificate issued by National Tourism Administration;
The above free tickets are limited to free admission only, and fee based experience projects are excluded.
Q: What are the opening hours of the scenic area?  
A: 8:00 am to 17:30 pm every day (stop selling tickets and enter the park at 16:30 pm) 
Q: How much are the tickets of the scenic areas?  
1. Wangmang Cave Scenic Area
The scenic area ticket is 30 yuan / person, cave exploration is 30 yuan / person, adventure clothing is rented for 10 yuan / set, jungle warrior is 40 yuan / person, rainbow slide is 20 yuan / person, and the battery sightseeing bus ride is 20 yuan / person (round trip).
2. Hunting Culture Theme Park
The ticket of the scenic spot is 60 yuan per person. Hunting is calculated according to the actual consumption.
(Take a group of six persons for example)
2 shotguns * 280 yuan / shotgun = 560 yuan
2 gun insurances * 50 yuan / insurance = 100 yuan
5 bullets per person * 6 persons * 35 yuan / bullet = 1,050 yuan
Hunting guide 200 yuan / person
Live prey: 1prey for each person * 6 persons * 130 yuan / prey (rabbit) =780 yuan
Total: 2,690 yuan 
Consumption per person: 448 yuan
3. Fairy Crape Myrtle Garden
The ticket of the scenic spot is 30 yuan / person.
4. Longtai Chinese Rose Garden
The ticket of the scenic spot is 30 yuan / person.
Other consumption such as food, accommodation, shopping and entertainment shall be settled according to the actual consumption price.




86 724-7461219



inside Mount Taizi National Forest Park of Jingshan City, Jingmen City, Hubei Province

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