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Taizishan Eco-tourism Area successfully passed the national 4A-level scenic spot landscape quality review

Taizishan Eco-tourism Area successfully passed the national 4A-level scenic spot landscape quality review

  • Categories:Media Reports
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  • Time of issue:2020-10-10 09:14
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(Summary description)On October 10, the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued the "Notice on the Evaluation Results of the Application for the Establishment of National 4A-level Tourist Attractions Landscape Quality Review Meeting in 2020", and the Taizishan Eco-tourism Zone reached the requirements for the application for the establishment of national 4A-level tourist attractions. Successfully passed the national 4A scenic spot landscape quality expert review and was included in the national 4A-level tourist scenic spot creation list.

Taizishan Eco-tourism Area successfully passed the national 4A-level scenic spot landscape quality review

(Summary description)On October 10, the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued the "Notice on the Evaluation Results of the Application for the Establishment of National 4A-level Tourist Attractions Landscape Quality Review Meeting in 2020", and the Taizishan Eco-tourism Zone reached the requirements for the application for the establishment of national 4A-level tourist attractions. Successfully passed the national 4A scenic spot landscape quality expert review and was included in the national 4A-level tourist scenic spot creation list.

  • Categories:Media Reports
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-10-10 09:14
  • Views:
On October 10, the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued the "Notice on the Evaluation Results of the Application for the Establishment of National 4A-level Tourist Attractions Landscape Quality Review Meeting in 2020", and the Taizishan Eco-tourism Zone reached the requirements for the application for the establishment of national 4A-level tourist attractions. Successfully passed the national 4A scenic spot landscape quality expert review and was included in the national 4A-level tourist scenic spot creation list.
The passing of the expert review of the Taizishan Eco-Tourism Zone marks the initial results of the 4A creation work. In the next step, in strict accordance with the requirements of the provincial and municipal cultural and tourism authorities and the 4A-level tourist attraction evaluation standards, a work plan will be formulated, software and hardware facilities will be improved, and the shortcomings of the scenic area will be complemented, and we will strive to successfully create a national 4A-level tourist attraction. (Prince Hill Forest Management Bureau)

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inside Mount Taizi National Forest Park of Jingshan City, Jingmen City, Hubei Province

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