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Zhang Yong investigates the creation of Taizishan 4A-level scenic spot

Zhang Yong investigates the creation of Taizishan 4A-level scenic spot

  • Categories:Media Reports
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  • Time of issue:2021-01-20 09:36
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(Summary description)On January 18th, Zhang Yong, deputy secretary of the Jingshan Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, led a team to the Taizishan Eco-tourism Zone to conduct special investigations on the creation of 4A-level tourist attractions and the prevention and control of the epidemic. Zhang Yong emphasized that in accordance with the three strategic goals of Jingshan’s “ecological development of a city, a strong industrial city, and a lively tourism city”, the spatial layout of “one core, two levels and five corridors” should be followed to continue to make the leader dance, brand bigger, and make up for shortcomings. Together, we will strive to form a global tourism development pattern. Feng Zhengyao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Taizishan Forest Management Bureau, and Yi Hongmei, Deputy Mayor of Jingshan, participated in the survey activities.

Zhang Yong investigates the creation of Taizishan 4A-level scenic spot

(Summary description)On January 18th, Zhang Yong, deputy secretary of the Jingshan Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, led a team to the Taizishan Eco-tourism Zone to conduct special investigations on the creation of 4A-level tourist attractions and the prevention and control of the epidemic. Zhang Yong emphasized that in accordance with the three strategic goals of Jingshan’s “ecological development of a city, a strong industrial city, and a lively tourism city”, the spatial layout of “one core, two levels and five corridors” should be followed to continue to make the leader dance, brand bigger, and make up for shortcomings. Together, we will strive to form a global tourism development pattern. Feng Zhengyao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Taizishan Forest Management Bureau, and Yi Hongmei, Deputy Mayor of Jingshan, participated in the survey activities.

  • Categories:Media Reports
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-01-20 09:36
  • Views:
On January 18th, Zhang Yong, deputy secretary of the Jingshan Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, led a team to the Taizishan Eco-tourism Zone to conduct special investigations on the creation of 4A-level tourist attractions and the prevention and control of the epidemic. Zhang Yong emphasized that in accordance with the three strategic goals of Jingshan’s “ecological development of a city, a strong industrial city, and a lively tourism city”, the spatial layout of “one core, two levels and five corridors” should be followed to continue to make the leader dance, brand bigger, and make up for shortcomings. Together, we will strive to form a global tourism development pattern. Feng Zhengyao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Taizishan Forest Management Bureau, and Yi Hongmei, Deputy Mayor of Jingshan, participated in the survey activities.
Zhang Yong and his entourage successively went to Taizishan Hunting Theme Park, Taizishan New Tourist Reception Center, Hubei Cultural Creation Exchange Base and other scenic spots and construction projects to inspect the infrastructure construction of the scenic spot, learn more about the development status of the scenic spot, and put forward specific opinions and suggestions on related work. Suggest.
At the subsequent on-site scheduling meeting, Feng Zhengyao introduced the creation of a 4A-level tourist attraction and epidemic prevention and control work in the Taizishan Ecotourism Zone, Jingshan City Culture and Tourism Bureau, Jingshan City Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Jingshan City Investment and Financing Service Center, Shijiazhuang Longzhen and other units made speeches.
   Zhang Yong pointed out that the Taizishan Eco-tourism Area, as a branded scenic spot, bright spot scenic spot and leading scenic spot in Jingshan City, has gathered many advantages and high-quality resources. In the next step, the Taizishan Forest Management Bureau should give full play to the leading role of the scenic spot to better promote the integrated development of local tourism and local economic and social development; on the basis of complete hardware facilities, efforts should be made to improve software facilities and promote scenic optimization Upgrade to further enhance the attraction and cohesion of the scenic area.
Zhang Yong emphasized that the Shilong Town government should play a leading role, strengthen overall planning, and ensure the orderly progress of the creation work in the jurisdiction; relevant units should strengthen guidance, take the initiative to provide services, and actively help scenic spots to do a good job in the construction of smart tourism system, training of employees, etc. , To speed up the pace of creation of scenic spots and ensure the successful realization of the goal of creating a national 4A-level scenic spot in the Taizishan Eco-Tourism Zone.
Zhang Yong also put forward specific requirements for the recent epidemic prevention and control work. He said that Taizishan is interspersed with many townships in Jingshan City, and the Taizishan Forest Management Bureau and Shilong Town Government should tighten and compact the responsibilities of the "quartet" and implement territorial responsibilities. Establish a multi-point trigger early warning mechanism for epidemic monitoring, and strictly implement various measures such as early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment for people who come to Beijing and return home from overseas and medium- and high-risk areas. (All media reporter He Yuxiao)

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