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Jingmen, Hubei: Support the restoration and revitalization of the cultural tourism industry

Jingmen, Hubei: Support the restoration and revitalization of the cultural tourism industry

  • Categories:Media Reports
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  • Time of issue:2020-09-15 09:59
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(Summary description)To implement the "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further Stimulating the Potential of Cultural and Tourism Consumption", "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting National Fitness and Sports Consumption to Promote the High-quality Development of the Sports Industry", and "Opinions of the General Office of the Provincial Government on Printing and Distributing Hubei According to the spirit of the "Notice on Several Measures to Support the Rejuvenation and Revitalization of the Cultural Tourism Industry", Jingmen City has actively formulated and issued relevant policies to support the development of the cultural tourism industry to support the restoration and revitalization of the cultural tourism industry to meet the people's growing demand for a better life.

Jingmen, Hubei: Support the restoration and revitalization of the cultural tourism industry

(Summary description)To implement the "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further Stimulating the Potential of Cultural and Tourism Consumption", "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting National Fitness and Sports Consumption to Promote the High-quality Development of the Sports Industry", and "Opinions of the General Office of the Provincial Government on Printing and Distributing Hubei According to the spirit of the "Notice on Several Measures to Support the Rejuvenation and Revitalization of the Cultural Tourism Industry", Jingmen City has actively formulated and issued relevant policies to support the development of the cultural tourism industry to support the restoration and revitalization of the cultural tourism industry to meet the people's growing demand for a better life.

  • Categories:Media Reports
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2020-09-15 09:59
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To implement the "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further Stimulating the Potential of Cultural and Tourism Consumption", "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting National Fitness and Sports Consumption to Promote the High-quality Development of the Sports Industry", and "Opinions of the General Office of the Provincial Government on Printing and Distributing Hubei According to the spirit of the "Notice on Several Measures to Support the Rejuvenation and Revitalization of the Cultural Tourism Industry", Jingmen City has actively formulated and issued relevant policies to support the development of the cultural tourism industry to support the restoration and revitalization of the cultural tourism industry to meet the people's growing demand for a better life.
Increase the relief efforts for enterprises
Increase special fund support. Starting from 2021, Jingmen City Finance will arrange an annual budget of 15 million yuan for the development of cultural tourism industry special funds, which are mainly used to support and promote the development of cultural tourism industry, construction of key cultural tourism projects, cultural tourism image promotion, cultural tourism brand creation, Cultural tourism marketing, cultural tourism infrastructure and public service facilities construction.
Implement special financial support. Encourage financial institutions to carry out innovations in pledge loans for cultural and tourism enterprises, such as accounts receivable, intellectual property rights, trademark rights, and patent rights. Explore the development of loan business such as the pledge of operating rights of tourist attractions, the pledge of ticket income rights, and the mortgage of construction land use rights for tourism enterprises and forest rights mortgages. Guide local industrial investment funds, venture capital funds and government financing guarantee agencies to include cultural and tourism enterprises in the scope of support. Establish a recommended list of key cultural and tourism enterprises for financial support, and guide financial institutions to increase their support. Government financing guarantee and re-guarantee agencies should actively increase credit for cultural tourism enterprises, encourage financial institutions to recognize state-owned guarantee companies for credit enhancement, and do not draw, continue to lend, or suppress loans or delay loans to cultural tourism enterprises.
Broaden corporate financing channels. Support cultural and tourism enterprises to directly raise funds through listing, listing, issuance of bonds and commercial papers, etc. Support qualified cultural and tourism enterprises to issue special bonds in the social sector. Encourage various industrial investment funds and state-owned capital investment and operation companies to adopt equity investment to support the development of cultural and tourism enterprises. (Responsible unit: Municipal Local Finance Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Cultural Tourism Bureau, Municipal Government SASAC, Central Branch of the People's Bank of China)
Strengthen insurance service support. Guide insurance financial institutions to develop a wide range of insurance products based on the characteristics of the cultural, sports and tourism industry. For travel agencies insured with travel agency liability insurance and tourist attractions insured with public liability insurance, insurance agencies are encouraged to provide support to extend the insurance period appropriately.
Promote the accelerated development of the cultural and tourism industry
Establish an industry development fund. Support Jingmen Transportation Tourism Investment Group Co., Ltd. to implement the integrated development, publicity and marketing, overall management and high-quality operation of cultural tourism resources around the "Jingmen Global Tourism Development Master Plan" to lead and promote the leap-forward development of Jingmen's cultural tourism industry. Relevant financial institutions have also introduced social capital to jointly initiate and set up a 10 billion yuan cultural tourism industry development fund to support the construction of key cultural tourism projects and major cultural tourism facilities that comply with the "Master Plan for Jingmen City's Global Tourism Development". Encourage rational integration and optimization of project resource packages, and use the PPP model for construction, supported by the Jingmen Cultural Tourism Industry Development Fund.
Increase investment in infrastructure. Develop tourism transportation plans, speed up the construction of infrastructure such as the scenic route of the tourist ring, slow-travel greenway system, navigable airport and seaplane berths, and speed up the construction of public service facilities such as global tourism distribution centers, consulting service centers, tourist toilets, and tourism guide signs , To promote the construction of a comprehensive service system for smart tourism, smart scenic spots, and smart venues.
Support the construction of key cultural tourism projects. Efforts will be made to create a destination of "aviation sports and leisure, health and longevity, historical and cultural tourism", plan to promote the implementation of a number of key projects, and implement municipal-level overall planning for major projects.
Speed ​​up the promotion of cultural tourism brand creation. Efforts will be made to promote the creation of Mingling Mausoleum as a national 5A-level scenic spot, the provincial-level tourism demonstration zone in Jingshan City will be upgraded and the Zhanghe New District will create a provincial-level tourist resort featuring aviation sports and leisure, Huzhaoshan Forest Farm, Taizishan Forest Farm, and Dakou Forest Farm Create a provincial-level tourist resort featuring forest health. Vigorously implement the creation projects of famous cultural tourism counties, cultural tourism towns, cultural tourism villages, famous cultural and artistic products, rural beauty, village travelers, folk gifts, etc., and create a group of rural tourism brands.
Develop new formats of cultural tourism industry
Around the urban agricultural circle, create an urban pastoral complex integrating modern agriculture, leisure and entertainment, and rural communities, and develop rural leisure tourism. Relying on Huzhao Mountain, Taizi Mountain, Dakou National Forest Park and other forest ecological resources, landscape resources, food and medicine resources, and cultural resources, carry out health care, rehabilitation, and health care services to develop the forest health industry. Include education bases, sports camps and well-known industrial companies such as Geek Park, Golden Farm Valley, Huiyuan Farm Valley Experience Park, Holy Land Flower Valley, Jinlongquan Group, GEM, Water Supply Corporation, etc. into the research base to promote youth research tourism and build a research platform , Standardizing the research and learning market.
stimulate the potential of cultural tourism consumption
Promote consumption pilot demonstration work. Strive to create a national pilot city for cultural and tourism consumption and a national pilot city for sports consumption. Create a cultural and tourism complex, a sports complex and other consumption clusters, and select high-quality cultural and sports tourism consumption pilot units. Implement a paid vacation system, encourage cadres and employees to take vacations in stages and off-peak vacations, and advocate to arrange travel vacations in conjunction with statutory holidays. Encourage scenic spots to participate in the tourism consumption season activities of "Traveling with Love and Benefiting Hubei" to boost cultural tourism consumption.
Develop holiday and night economy. Strengthen highway and scenic road traffic management during holidays, and increase the public transport capacity of scenic spots. Support cultural and artistic activities such as cultural centers, museums, libraries and other cultural service places to organize reading clubs, sharing sessions, and art exhibitions during the holidays. Encourage cultural and sports venues, operating bookstores, cinemas, and entertainment venues to extend their business hours appropriately. Enrich the night leisure business, support Zhanghe Scenic Area, Xiangshan Scenic Area, Shengjing Mountain Scenic Area, and Mochou Village to create night performance show venues, form night markets, night tours, night scenes, night shopping, night entertainment and other business formats, and carry out night tour services. (Liao Liang and Li Huimin)

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inside Mount Taizi National Forest Park of Jingshan City, Jingmen City, Hubei Province

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