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Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes

Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes

  • Categories:Media Reports
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  • Time of issue:2019-03-31 09:45
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(Summary description)In the cold winter, the editor bid farewell to the heating in the north, and was invited to the Taizishan Hunting Culture Theme Park in Jingmen, Hubei Province for a fellowship inspection. Now I especially present an inspection report and sightseeing travel notes for domestic hunters to give everyone a comprehensive understanding of our own hunting in China. industry!

Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes

(Summary description)In the cold winter, the editor bid farewell to the heating in the north, and was invited to the Taizishan Hunting Culture Theme Park in Jingmen, Hubei Province for a fellowship inspection. Now I especially present an inspection report and sightseeing travel notes for domestic hunters to give everyone a comprehensive understanding of our own hunting in China. industry!

  • Categories:Media Reports
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-03-31 09:45
  • Views:
In the cold winter, the editor bid farewell to the heating in the north, and was invited to the Taizishan Hunting Culture Theme Park in Jingmen, Hubei Province for a fellowship inspection. Now I especially present an inspection report and sightseeing travel notes for domestic hunters to give everyone a comprehensive understanding of our own hunting in China. industry!
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
Taizi Mountain Hunting Culture Theme Park is the largest hunting theme park in Hubei Province with the largest area and the most complete facilities. It is located in the Taizi Mountain National Forest Park, Jingshan County, Jingmen City, Hubei Province in central China. The scenic area covers an area of ​​more than 5,000 acres. It is an eco-tourism paradise integrating hunting activities, leisure tourism, business meetings, and outdoor development.
Compared to a pure hunting ground, Taizishan is obviously more inclined to the spread of culture and experience. Here, mainly hunting theme parks, which include forest maze, bow and arrow experience, javelin experience, spearfishing experience, off-road experience, simulated shooting, live ammunition shooting, hunter restaurant, tent hotel, mountain hunting, safari park, etc. There is a transitional inheritance from the Iron Age to the Firearm Age, as well as the integration of outdoor sports such as cross-country and spearfishing. It has the hunting challenge of hunting through the mountains and forests and the parent-child experience of close encounters with small animals. It is suitable for diverse groups of people.
Are you ready? Then please follow the editor to experience the scenic spot.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
Modern people's exposure to javelin may be more in the Olympic Games, but in ancient times, javelin hunting was a basic skill. The seemingly easy and simple javelin still requires skill to get started. It is easy to throw out and difficult to hit the target. The javelin of the novice is "floating" instead of "stabbing" out. Under the patient guidance of the staff, the editor finally hit the open space eight meters away perfectly.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes

Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
Traditional bow and arrow and slingshot experience in one place. It is divided into simple experience learning and a small circle of forests for actual combat exercises.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
Know what it is, but also know why it is, Prince Mountain has opened a special iron art exhibition area. On the one hand, it shows the production process and cultural spread of the slingshots, bows and crossbows used in traditional hunting. On the other hand, the professional craftsmen are here to build the various iron tools used in the park. I think of the tools we just held. It is really a wonderful experience.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes

Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
For outdoor enthusiasts, there is also a dedicated cross-country area. The track is set with different difficulty levels to meet different off-road experiences. The scenic spot is equipped with two types of off-road vehicles, each with its own style. The editor took a girl who happened to be in the park but couldn't drive, and drove a round of the basic track, reaping laughter and screaming all the way.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
Spearfishing area is suitable for children to experience, the water is not deep, safe and fun.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes

Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
The safari park in the scenic spot is a pleasant surprise. I thought it was just a decorative stunt. I didn't expect it to be rich in animals and can be observed up close. Including lions, black bears, kangaroos, alpacas, emu, sika deer, etc., some animals can also be fed. Don't get me wrong with the little lamb in the picture. She is a vegetarian, just sucking Xiaobian's finger gently. Animals that can be touched up close are friendly, safe and cute.
Next comes the focus, how can hunting theme parks be separated from hunting. The scenic spot offers bow and arrow hunting, gun hunting and other methods to choose from. The hunting ground is divided into six main hunting areas, with different difficulty settings and different animals. Generally speaking, the animals covered by the hunting grounds include hares, pheasants, wild boars, oxen, and deer. At the same time, you can choose to bring dogs for hunting.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
hunting grounds provide single-barreled and double-barreled shotguns, and the bullets are divided into single and shotguns. Whether it is a novice or an old driver, the hunting instructor will uniformly train and give guns, and there is a small square where the hunting god can be worshipped, which is full of ritual. After shooting training and flying saucer test hands, we formally entered the closed hunting area.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
Scenic area provides off-road vehicles, and you can also hike. Of course, the cost of off-road vehicles has to be calculated separately, everyone knows. We chose the domineering open-top Jeep, crossed the beautiful lakeside, hummed in the breeze all the way, and embarked on a journey of curiosity.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes

Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes

Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
I ran into pheasants and hares not long after entering the small animal hunting area. The small animals here have a certain level of alertness, but they did not turn around and run when they saw a person. Walking in the forest, there were also traces of animal struggles. It should be the pheasant confronting its natural enemy, an eagle or a bobcat. The two sides of the battle have already left the field, and only scattered feathers are seen. There are traces of wild boars in the jungle area, and the land has been turned up, showing its destructiveness. The most primitive mountain forest area is entwined with thorns and weeds, waiting for hunters with adventurous spirit and rich experience to come and explore. Since the main purpose is to investigate, there is no real hunting of prey this time, only sightseeing and exploration. The hunting area covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 acres. The time relationship has not been completely finished, but you can see the whole leopard at a glance. Go home with great fun.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
It doesn’t matter if you’re hungry or tired. There is a well-decorated hunter restaurant in the scenic area, a long table that reflects the spirit of hunters, and a clean and simple stove. You can directly process and eat the harvested prey by yourself. It is a self-sufficient and natural rural life.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
There are also special tent hotels in the scenic area, dotted among the green mountains and green waters, where you can have a nap or overnight, which is a special taste.
Competing in Taizi Mountain-Hubei Taizi Mountain Hunting Theme Park Travel Notes
In addition to the tent hotels in the scenic area, for those who need to spend the night from afar, there is also a small town in Prince Edward which is matched with the scenic area by car ten minutes away from the scenic area. An authentic and characteristic town, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the local folk customs are simple and the residents are warm and hospitable.
Hubei Taizishan Hunting Culture Theme Park has beautiful scenery and excellent environment. The various projects set up in the scenic spot are lively and have a strong sense of experience. Participating in them is fun. Suitable for people of all ages, you can explore the secrets in the mountains and compete in the jungle; you can also help the old and the young to get close to nature and relax.
The international hunting industry has been developing vigorously, and the domestic booming industry is gradually on the right track. After all, professional hunters are a minority, and most people who are interested in hunting this traditional culture and eagerly make up a larger proportion. Hubei Taizishan has designed a variety of terminal lines for the general public. Taizishan has reached a strategic cooperation to provide customized itineraries for club members. I would like to work with like-minded partners in my country to wish our country's own hunting industry prosper and move towards a more brilliant tomorrow together!

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inside Mount Taizi National Forest Park of Jingshan City, Jingmen City, Hubei Province

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